Rakaia, Methven, Mayfield, Staveley

Next Worship Services


(Message sent in by Jayne Clark)

In the reality of much decreased church attendance numbers; Here is an excerpt from Laurence Ennors service that those who heard it were encouraged and challenged by in a November service.

Dr Jay Kesler, President Emeritus of Taylor University in Indiana, and a pastor, gives us five reasons for going to church: 

(1) It’s the only organisation
that still deals with issues like salvation, death, judgment, grace, purpose, Heaven and hell. 

(2) It adds value and dignity to human life.
We live in a secular culture that contributes to our sense of inner worthlessness. The church counteracts this negative message by preaching God’s love and acceptance.

(3) It provides a moral and spiritual compass.
Society has revised, resisted, and rejected absolutes, and embraced relativism, but the church stands on the timeless bedrock of God’s Word.

(4) It’s where you find compassion, healing, and community. 
In the church we’re all on an equal footing. There God’s Spirit is working to knit us together as believers, guaranteeing us all ‘access… to the Father’ (Ephesians 2:18). 

(5) Unlike other institutions, it has motivated
the most lasting, unselfish, essential, courageous endeavours on earth –things like missions, schools, hospitals, food pantries, rehab centres and

Why go to church? Because Jesus loves the church – and so should we.

We realize that the church has its failings and not been all these things to all people but this is the bulk of the essence of why it should exist.  We also acknowledge that the church may need to look and act differently to reflect God’s love in a relevant and meaningful way in the future.

I invite you to ring me if you would like to talk about it as we seek to figure out what direction and shape Plains Presbyterian should look like in the future.  Jayne Clark 0274678105